Super cute statue of a big Hippopotamus a ssis XL SPLASH 95 cm high , with lacquering and high resistance UV varnish. This resin animal easily withstands frost and rain.
Personalize your Hippopotamus a ssis XL SPLASH according to your desires so that it finds a place of choice for your decoration, either inside or outside. Suitable for all types of interior or activity sectors.
This statue of a greatHippo hasssis XLSPLASH in resin will bring a modern and very contemporary note to your interior or exterior.
This bigHippo hasssis XLSPLASH,very trendy, is designed with the best materials currently available, in a quality resin with lacquering and UV varnish according to automotive industry standards, for high resistance to frost, rain and sun.
This statue of a greatHippo hasssis XLSPLASHis very decorative, and ideal as a birthday, wedding or retirement gift. It will fit seamlessly into all types of homes whether indoors or outdoors.
Given its 95 cm height, thisHippo hasssis XLSPLASHwill not fail to decorate and script any space, whether in a private or professional environment (halls, hotels - restaurants - bars, resorts, company headquarters, etc.).
It will also find a majestic place in green spaces, around swimming pools, on the terraces or balconies of all city dwellers, this magnificent sculpture will cause a sensation!!!
Offbeat safari atmosphere guaranteed!!
Resin animal to be personalized according to the colors and patterns available.
See also our general catalog "Resin subjects" to discover all our decoration and all our resin animals treated in a realistic way.
• Did you know ?
-Déco et Artisanat, is hereONLYshopproposingthe largest choice of customizationsin colors and patterns available on the weband 2 years warrantyon the products of the Design range.
Our resin animals are exclusively made for YOU according to your criteria!
Approximate sizes and dimensions given for information.